
Showing posts from November, 2023

Thursday November 30

Highlights: In writing we did memory pocket writing. Ask me what I wrote about! In gym we practiced our soccer passing skills In music, Miss Wolsey's class played instruments In math we practiced making 100 in different ways Literacy Centres. Ask me what I did! Heggerty Snowflake zen den  Reminders: Tomorrow is pajama day!!!!!   

Wednesday November 29

Highlights: music -  instrument petting zoo Brain Pocket memory writing - includes 3 details and a feeling Social Studies - 6 different landscapes  - ask me what they are Math - we continued making numbers in different ways Zen Den  - calming your mind Reminders: pajama day on Friday  

Tuesday, November 28

Highlights: talking about the medicine wheel (how to take care of our mind, body, spirit and heart) gym - dribbled soccer balls around an obstacle course math - draw different ways to show 25 and 42  Brain pocket writing about facts reading our novel called Megabat Heggerty having our guest teacher Ms. Soto Cosmic Kids - the mean bug Reminders: pajama day on Friday the last day to order Purdy's chocolates is tomorrow