
Showing posts from August, 2023

August 30

  Welcome! We are so excited to be starting the 2023-2024 year! This year, our whole school will continue to use Blogger to make our daily agenda posts. We hope this will assist with great conversations about the school day with your family. The CBE and Mrs. Brinson will be communicating information to you through School Messenger. To make sure you receive these email messages, please SUBSCRIBE using the email address that the school has on file. (If you change your email address, you must inform the school and then re- subscribe or the system won’t work.)

August 31

 Highlights: Making our own name tags for the coat hooks All About Me poster Making a class web (ask me how we made that) Reminders: Tomorrow is early dismissal at 1:05 There is no lunch so bring a large snack Return the parent questionnaire